POSTED July 1 2015

Time to Terminate the Terminator and Other Sequels of 1980s Franchises?

He said he'd be back and kept his promise.

He said he’d be back and kept his promise.

In 1984 The Terminator franchise began its wonderful, horrible life—the wonderful consisting of its first two installments; the horrible its third and fourth—as a modern-day retelling of the annunciation and nativity of Jesus Christ.

Though it’s nice to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger say “Howl Be Bach”one more time, Terminator Genisys (you can read my review here) exists mostly to fulfill the Hollywood fiduciary law that if it’s a brand, it gets a sequel.

Are there other reasons for these returns and reboots? Was Star Trek resurrected because we wanted to see Leonard Nimoy one last time? Likewise Harrison Ford with the latest Star Wars? Thoughts?


  1. Gary says:

    I always thought the original TERMINATOR was a shrewd commentary on the topic of abortion. (Think about it). But I never understood why the sequels were made, and Ah-nold seems to have done a Stallone, returning to a project that made him famous since his recent efforts have died at the box office.

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